Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Skeletal Mammoths

I purchased some  Microworld  Games,   "6mm" scale skeletal Mammoths to use with my 10mm Undead army.

But where is Rohan?

Oh Rohan....

 Above and below are Warmaster (L), Kallistra (C) and Pendragon (R) 10mm skeleton infantry, which are all compatible.

 Below are various Warmaster artillery and 'monsters', along with two Microworld Bone giants as a comparison.

Warmonger Miniatures have recently released these Landsknecht with Zweihänder (Great Swords) and Landsknecht Pikeniere (Pikemen) , available at Warmonger Miniatures website

I was interesred in them as additions to my Warmaster Empire army, whose figures are now out of production. Whilst not Halbediers, they fit in well. I mixed in the two- handed swordsmen with the pike to create a psuedo 'Halbedier' effect.

The Warmaster Halbediers are on the left, in yellow and red.  The Warmonger figures are on the right.